Heck!n Good
Packaging Design
Role | Product Designer
These dog treats were inspired by the online community, Dogspotting Society. I wanted to use their special lingo, such as "heckin" and "woofer" in the identity of these treats.
Dogspotting Society is especially close to my heart as I love seeing dogs from around the world and appreciate that there are others who are just as obsessed with their canine companions.
As a dog owner myself, I wanted to emphasize the wholesome ingredients that I look for when buying treats. I know that my dog has a better diet than I do!
I also chose to add on the packaging that part of the proceeds would be donated to animal shelters.
My pibble, Sid, approved of the Heck!n Good Woofer Wafers!
omg bonus picture of Sid doin a blep
I would suggest visiting Dogspotting Society on Facebook to catch up on the extremely vast vocabulary.